Friday, 27 December 2019

To the year, unlike any other!

Oh 2020,

What a year you have been! 

A test I did not sign up for,

Not even in my dream!

Routines were fired,

Uncertainty ruled.

Normalcy masked away,

Anxiety ensued.

More balls got thrown into the act,

Of the multitasking juggle.

Dawn to dusk, a daily marathon,

Hustle - hustle - hustle.

Weekdays and weekends,

Merged as one.

Me-time? Wait, what's that?

Are you kidding, Hon?

Worry crept in sometimes,

Played it's melancholy tunes.

Such days, spent in a daze.

Battling the blues.

Locked up indoors,

Isolated from the world.

Life seemed like a drag,

Times when I let myself brood.

And then,

Amidst all this chaos,

I foot the brake pedal,

Urge myself to slowdown,

To let go, to pause.

I remind myself,

To be grateful, 

Strengthen my faith,

And remain ever so hopeful.

To be thankful to technology,

For keeping a tab on my sanity.

To make time to fill my cup,

For I cannot serve when it's empty.

To create memories while we await,

The rainbow to surface.

To not wait for the storm to pass,

But to dance while it still rains!

It's been long and exhausting,

What an ordeal, oh boy!

Dear 2021,

Please bring along some joy! 💛

1 comment:

  1. The year 2020 got me back on track by again donning the *writer cap* which I had inadvertently misplaced in 2015.
    I'm sure many others would have done likewise.
