Thursday, 29 April 2021

Stormy Days

 Somedays I wake up hopeful,

That the rain clouds will pass by.

On others, all I want to do,

Is curl up and cry.

My heart aches everyday,

The anguish around is too much to take in.

Feels like am standing on quick sand, 

Just waiting for my turn to sink in.

It takes all my might, 

To shake away the fear,

And go about with my life.

As thoughts wander back to those,

Who are merely fighting for life, oh dear.

Little things I had taken for granted,

I treasure now and am grateful for today.

Petty minuses I once cribbed about,

Seem to just blur away.

Amidst all this distress,

Humanity is shining bright.

Through this thick hazy fog, 

Like warm sun light.

We are in this together,

Let's help in anyway we can, 

Love and then love some more.

Be kind to one another,

Now, more than ever.

Everyone copes differently,

There isn't a right and wrong way on how.

Do whatever soothes your soul,

Survival mode it is, right now.

This too shall pass,

Every storm has to end.

Let's stay safe and count our blessings,

While we pray for the world to heal and mend.

- Nandita 💛

1 comment:

  1. Mood swings are part and parcel of every day,
    But for these wouldn't life be dull, I say ? !
