Saturday, 31 January 2009

Life Is...

Life is a "Rollercoaster"
So rightly compared.
A personalized thrill ride,
For each one, onboard.
There are its climbs and falls,
And heart-skipping trails,
Just hold tight and go for it,
To excite you, it never fails.

Life is a "Cocktail"
Emotions perfectly blend.
Sweet & sour come as a package,
Cos... That's how it is served!
The potpourri of flavors,
May baffle you at times,
Sip on and enjoy it,
Through this confusion... jus smile.

Life is a "Miracle"
Ponder about it as much as you wish.
Everything eventually seems perfectly planned,
As if, triggered by a magic wand's swish!
Until it actually passes by,
Even the next day seems a mystery.
Make the most of each moment,
Simply live it up royally!

Life is a "Jigsaw Puzzle"
Each phase in life - a piece of the maze.
Rush not to solve this riddle...
Cos slowly but surely, the pieces fall in place,
Every piece, flawlessly created,
Fits exactly into the puzzle,
The perfection of the final picture,
Leaves you awestruck & bedazzled!

Life is a "Child's Play"
A no-complex, fun-filled game.
Winners & losers, there are none,
Every player is treated the same.
Giggle along, make merry,
Delight you heart.
Take pleasure in its simple joys.
Just play your part, play smart


  1. Jaishree Sellamuthu8 October 2011 at 14:01

    Beautiful Nandi!!! You're just getting better and better!!! I loved especially `life is a jigsaw puzzle' :) so true! And what is with the babies' feet picture in the end... is this a hint of things to come?! ;)

  2. Padmashree Sidarth8 October 2011 at 14:01

    loved it so much... I wish you add more

  3. SD - Lol! that's jus a colourful ending to indicate 'Life is a beautiful journey..', no indirect hints intended! :) Thanx for ur sweet words :)

    Pashree - Thankooo! :) will try and add some more :)

  4. Amazing.....You've got all words so right, yet in a beautiful way,inspiring us to enjoy life & not worry on past, present or futre! Loved it Nandi.

  5. Oh Seemakka... thanks for that! :)

  6. Loved it Nanz!!! :) :) Very very cutie pictures!! :) waiting to read this in WE!! :) :)

  7. Anoop Kumar Priya8 October 2011 at 14:03

    cute pics....right words in a beautiful way.......loved it nanditha......
